API Reference

The following are a list of API calls that can be used to access the BlueprintCPQ data.


Get metadata about a page.

API Method Description
page/{name} GET

Get Page description containing list of all views.

page/{name}/{template} GET

Gets page template section description.

page/defaults/{name} GET

Gets default fields for page without section defined.

page/menu GET

Gets the main menu.

page/pinnedmenu GET

Gets the pinned menu.

page/pin/{id} POST

Pin menu item.

page/unpin/{id} DELETE

Unpin menu.

page/internaladdress/{name}/{externalId} GET

Gets url from integration identifier and page name.


A controller for handling properties.

API Method Description
property/clone/{property} POST

Makes a copy of this object.


Manages all tasks related to user accounts such as logins and password changes.

API Method Description
account/login POST

Perform a login to get an access token for API access.

account/externallogin POST

External login.

account/externalauthorize POST

No documentation available.

account/externalauthorise POST

External authorise.

account/delegateapprovals GET

Delegate approvals.

account/delegateapprovals POST

Delegate approvals.

account/delegateapprovals/{id} DELETE

Deletes the delegate approval described by ID.

account/changepassword POST

Change the current users password.

account/forgotpassword POST

Forgot password.

account/register POST

Registers this user for shared access.

account/setpassword POST

Sets a password.

account/hasrights GET

Query if a user has rights to a resource.

account/isadministrator GET

Query if this user is an administrator.

account/groupoptions GET

Gets the users group options.

account/2fa/configuration GET

Two factor configuration asynchronous.

account/2fa/configuration POST

Two factor configuration asynchronous.

account/2fa/authenticator/validate POST

Validates a Two factor authenticator code.

account/2fa/email/validate POST

Two factor email validate.

account/2fa/email/setup POST

Two factor email setup.


A controller for handling executing actions.

API Method Description
action/run/{actionName} POST

Runs an action.


A controller for handling emails.

API Method Description
email/mergeandsend POST

Merge and send.


A controller for handling price books.

API Method Description
pricebook POST

Adds a category.

pricebook/{id} PUT

Sets a category.

pricebook/{id} DELETE

Deletes the category described by ID.

pricebook/products GET

Gets the products the user has access to.

pricebook/parts GET

Gets parts in categories.

pricebook/categories GET

Gets the categories.

pricebook/documents/front GET

Gets front covers.

pricebook/documents/back GET

Gets back covers.

pricebook/documents/defaults GET

Gets default covers.

pricebook/merge POST

Merges a price book.

pricebook/download/{id} GET

Downloads the pricebook by identifier.


A controller for handling syncs.

API Method Description
sync/run POST

Runs a set of syncs by event.


Manages the creation, deletion and modification of quotes, quote products, quote parts and quote documents.

API Method Description
quote/clone/{quote} POST

Clone the quote by quote identifier.

quote/uprevise/{quote} POST

Up-Revise Quote.

quote/main/{quote} PUT

Sets the quote as the main quote of its opportunity.

quote/main/{quote} GET

Query if the quote is main quote.

quote/configurator/{quote} GET

Gets the configurator URL for the quote.

quote/share/{quote} POST

Shares a quote.

quote/forward/{quote} POST

Forwards a quote.

quote/order/{quote} POST

Place order.

quote/reject/{quote} POST

Rejects a quote.

quote/changestatus/{quote} POST

Change a quotes status.

quote/shared GET

Gets shared quotes.

quote/products/{id} GET

Gets the products.

quote/product/{quote}/{product} POST

Adds a Quote Product.

quote/product/{quote}/{quoteToProduct} GET

Gets a product from a quote.

quote/product/{quote}/{quoteToProduct} PUT

Sets discount percent.

quote/product/{quote}/{quoteToProduct} DELETE

Deletes the product from quote.

quote/product/{quote}/{quoteToProduct}/{index} PUT

Set the order of products by moving a product to a new index.

quote/template/{quoteTemplate} GET

Gets quote template entries.

quote/template/{quote}/{quoteTemplate} POST

Adds a quote templates entries to a quote.

quote/templatequotes GET

Gets template quotes.

quote/templatequotes/{quote}/{templateQuote} POST

Adds a template quote to a quote.

quote/templatequotes/{quoteTemplateQuote} DELETE

Deletes the template quote described by quoteTemplateQuote.

quote/part/{quote} POST

Adds a Quote Part.

quote/part/{quote}/{quoteToPart} GET

Gets the part from quote.

quote/{quote}/parts GET

Gets valid parts that can be added to a quote.

quote/part/discount/{quote}/{quoteToPart} PUT

Sets part discount percent.

quote/part/{quote}/{quoteToPart} DELETE

Deletes the part from quote.

quote/part/{quote}/{quoteToPart}/{index} PUT

Set the order of parts.

quote/document/{quote} POST

Uploads a document.

quote/document/{id} DELETE

Deletes a document by ID.

quote/document/{id} GET

Downloads the document by ID.

quote/document/token/{id} GET

Generate a one time use token that is valid for 10 minutes in order to download a document

quote/{quote}/document/email POST

Send an email attaching the document to the email.

quote/{quote}/documents GET

Gets the documents for a quote.

quote/web-document/{id} DELETE

Deletes a web document by ID.

quote/{quote}/web-documents GET

Gets the web documents for a quote.

quote/parameterheader/{quote} POST

Creates a quote parameter header.

quote/parameter/{quoteParametersHeader} POST

Adds a quote parameter.

quote/customer/{customer} POST

Gets customer quote.

quote/deals/{quote} GET

Gets the deals.


A controller for handling item builders.

API Method Description
item-builder/{product} GET

Gets a product definition.

item-builder/{product} POST

Saves a product definition.

item-builder/properties GET

Gets the properties.

item-builder/algorithms GET

Gets the algorithms.

item-builder/roles GET

Gets the roles.

item-builder/behaviours GET

Gets the available behaviours.


Manage products and properties.

API Method Description
product/clone/{product} POST

Makes a copy of this object.

product/property POST

Adds a property.

product/property/{id} POST

Copies the product property by identifier.

product/property/{id} DELETE

Deletes the product property by identifier.

product/{id}/properties PUT

Sets the order of all product properties.

product/{id}/subscripts PUT

Sets subscripts order.


Manage the creation, deletion and modification of parts.

API Method Description
part/add POST

Adds a Part.

part/{id} PUT

Updates the part.

part/{id} DELETE

Deactivate part.

part/{part}/price POST

Adds a price to a part.

part/{part}/bom POST

Adds a bom part to a part.


Manage the creation, deletion and modification of notes.

API Method Description
notes/quote/add/{quote} POST

Adds a note to quote.

notes/quotes/add/{quote} POST

Adds a note to quote.

notes/opportunity/add/{opportunity} POST

Opportunity add note.

notes/opportunities/add/{opportunity} POST

Opportunity add note.

notes/company/add/{company} POST

Adds a note to Company.

notes/contact/add/{contact} POST

Adds a note to contact.

notes/{id} GET

Gets a note.

notes/update/{note} PUT

Updates the note.

notes/delete/{id} DELETE

Deletes the note by ID.


Manages the creation, reading, updating and deletion of generic data records.

API Method Description
data/list/{name}/{section} GET

Get paginated list of data for a section.

data/list/{name}/{section}/{pageNumber} GET

Get paginated list of data for a section.

data/list/{name}/{section}/{pageNumber}/{pageSize} GET

Get paginated list of data for a section.

data/{name}/{recordId} GET

Gets a record using the default section layout.

data/{name}/{section}/{recordId} GET

Get data for section by record Id.

data/image/{name}/{section}/{fieldId}/{recordId} GET

Gets an image as a base64 string.

data/download/{name}/{section}/{fieldId}/{recordId} GET

Gets a file.

data/{name} POST

Add new data record.

data/batch/{name}/{id} POST

Update and add new data in a batch

data/{name}/{id} PUT

Update data by record Id.

data/{name}/{id} DELETE

Delete data by record Id.

data/{name}/{section}/{id} DELETE

Deletes the link.

data/link/{name}/{section}/{id} POST

Gets link options.

data/link/{name}/{section}/{id}/{id2} POST

Adds a link.

data/lookup/relationship/{id} POST

Gets lookup values for relationship by Id.

data/lookup/default/{id} POST

Gets default value.

data/lookup/table/{id} POST

Gets the table lookup values.

data/clone/{name}/{recordId} POST

Makes a copy of this record.

data/owner/{name}/{recordId} GET

Gets the owner of this item.

data/assign/{name}/{recordId} POST

Assigns a user.

data/export/{name}/{recordId} POST

Exports a record and associated records.


A controller for handling uploads.

API Method Description
upload/report POST

Uploads a report.

upload/dashboard POST

Uploads the dashboard.

upload/graphics POST

Uploads a graphics doc.


A controller for handling configurators.

API Method Description
configurator/header GET

Gets the header.

configurator/image/{id} GET

Gets a base64 encoded image.


Manage the creation and modification of Quote Documents.

API Method Description
document/merge/{quote} POST

Create a new Quote Document.

document/mergesf/{quoteSFID} POST

Create the Profile Form (using SFID Parameters).

document/templates GET

Gets web available web templates.

document/web/merge/{quote} POST

Merge web document.

document/web/templates GET

Gets web available web templates.

document/web/share/{document} POST

Share web document.

document/web/meta/{id} GET

Gets web document meta.

document/web/graphic/{id} GET

Gets a graphic.