API Reference
The following are a list of API calls that can be used to access the BlueprintCPQ data.
Get metadata about a page.
API | Method | Description |
page/{name} | GET |
Get Page description containing list of all views. |
page/{name}/{template} | GET |
Gets page template section description. |
page/defaults/{name} | GET |
Gets default fields for page without section defined. |
page/menu | GET |
Gets the main menu. |
page/pinnedmenu | GET |
Gets the pinned menu. |
page/pin/{id} | POST |
Pin menu item. |
page/unpin/{id} | DELETE |
Unpin menu. |
page/internaladdress/{name}/{externalId} | GET |
Gets url from integration identifier and page name. |
A controller for handling properties.
API | Method | Description |
property/clone/{property} | POST |
Makes a copy of this object. |
Manages all tasks related to user accounts such as logins and password changes.
API | Method | Description |
account/login | POST |
Perform a login to get an access token for API access. |
account/externallogin | POST |
External login. |
account/refresh | POST |
Token refresh. |
account/externalauthorize | POST |
External authorize and login. |
account/notify | POST |
Notifies a connection that a user has authenticated. |
account/delegateapprovals | GET |
Delegate approvals. |
account/delegateapprovals | POST |
Delegate approvals. |
account/delegateapprovals/{id} | DELETE |
Deletes the delegate approval described by ID. |
account/changepassword | POST |
Change the current users password. |
account/forgotpassword | POST |
Forgot password. |
account/register | POST |
Registers this user for shared access. |
account/setpassword | POST |
Sets a password. |
account/hasrights | GET |
Query if a user has rights to a resource. |
account/isadministrator | GET |
Query if this user is an administrator. |
account/who-am-i | GET |
Gets the current users details. |
account/groupoptions | GET |
Gets the users group options. |
account/2fa/configuration | GET |
Two factor configuration asynchronous. |
account/2fa/configuration | POST |
Two factor configuration asynchronous. |
account/2fa/authenticator/validate | POST |
Validates a Two factor authenticator code. |
account/2fa/email/validate | POST |
Two factor email validate. |
account/2fa/email/setup | POST |
Two factor email setup. |
account/sharing/email-check | POST |
Queries if a given sharing login exists. |
account/support | GET |
Gets the support system URL. |
account/confirm/email | POST |
Confirm account email. |
account/error-report | POST |
Creates error report or ticket. |
account/ticket/{id} | POST |
Create a new support ticket. |
account/access/{page} | POST |
Creates page access token. |
A controller for handling executing actions.
API | Method | Description |
action/run/{actionName} | POST |
Runs an action. |
A controller for handling emails.
API | Method | Description |
email/mergeandsend | POST |
Merge and send. |
A controller for handling workflows.
API | Method | Description |
workflow/run | POST |
Runs any workflows for the defined records. |
A controller for handling price books.
API | Method | Description |
pricebook | POST |
Adds a category. |
pricebook/{id} | PUT |
Sets a category. |
pricebook/{id} | DELETE |
Deletes the category described by ID. |
pricebook/products | GET |
Gets the products the user has access to. |
pricebook/parts | GET |
Gets parts in categories. |
pricebook/categories | GET |
Gets the categories. |
pricebook/documents/front | GET |
Gets front covers. |
pricebook/documents/back | GET |
Gets back covers. |
pricebook/documents/defaults | GET |
Gets default covers. |
pricebook/merge | POST |
Merges a price book. |
pricebook/download/{id} | GET |
Downloads the pricebook by identifier. |
A controller for handling syncs.
API | Method | Description |
sync/run | POST |
Runs a set of syncs by event. |
Manages the creation, deletion and modification of quotes, quote products, quote parts and quote documents.
API | Method | Description |
quote/clone/{quote} | POST |
Clone the quote by quote identifier. |
quote/uprevise/{quote} | POST |
Up-Revise Quote. |
quote/main/{quote} | PUT |
Sets the quote as the main quote of its opportunity. |
quote/main/{quote} | GET |
Query if the quote is main quote. |
quote/configurator/{quote} | GET |
Gets the configurator URL for the quote. |
quote/share/{quote} | POST |
Shares a quote. |
quote/forward/{quote} | POST |
Forwards a quote. |
quote/order/{quote} | POST |
Place order. |
quote/reject/{quote} | POST |
Rejects a quote. |
quote/approvals/reject/{quote} | POST |
Rejects approvals. |
quote/changestatus/{quote} | POST |
Change a quotes status. |
quote/shared | GET |
Gets shared quotes. |
quote/products/{id} | GET |
Gets the products. |
quote/product/{quote}/{product} | POST |
Adds a Quote Product. |
quote/product/{quote}/{quoteToProduct} | GET |
Gets a product from a quote. |
quote/product/{product}/copytoquote/{quote} | POST |
Copy a QuoteToProduct record (and all of it's associated property values) to a new quote. |
quote/product/{quote}/{quoteToProduct} | PUT |
Sets discount percent. |
quote/product/{quote}/{quoteToProduct} | DELETE |
Deletes the product from quote. |
quote/product/{quote}/{quoteToProduct}/{index} | PUT |
Set the order of products by moving a product to a new index. |
quote/template/{quoteTemplate} | GET |
Gets quote template entries. |
quote/template | POST |
(An Action that handles HTTP POST requests) Create template quote. |
quote/template/{quote}/{quoteTemplate} | POST |
Adds a quote templates entries to a quote. |
quote/templatequotes | GET |
Gets template quotes. |
quote/templatequotes/{quote}/{templateQuote} | POST |
Adds a template quote to a quote. |
quote/templatequotes/{quoteTemplateQuote} | DELETE |
Deletes the template quote described by quoteTemplateQuote. |
quote/part/{quote} | POST |
Adds a Quote Part. |
quote/part/{quote}/{quoteToPart} | GET |
Gets the part from quote. |
quote/{quote}/parts | GET |
Gets valid parts that can be added to a quote. |
quote/part/discount/{quote}/{quoteToPart} | PUT |
Sets part discount percent. |
quote/part/{quote}/{quoteToPart} | DELETE |
Deletes the part from quote. |
quote/part/{quote}/{quoteToPart}/{index} | PUT |
Set the order of parts. |
quote/document/{quote} | POST |
Uploads a document. |
quote/document/{id} | DELETE |
Deletes a document by ID. |
quote/document/{id} | GET |
Downloads the document by ID. |
quote/document/download/{id} | GET |
Downloads the document by ID. |
quote/document/token/{id} | GET |
Generate a one time use token that is valid for 10 minutes in order to download a document |
quote/{quote}/document/email | POST |
Send an email attaching the document to the email. |
quote/{quote}/documents | GET |
Gets the documents for a quote. |
quote/web-document/{id} | DELETE |
Deletes a web document by ID. |
quote/{quote}/web-documents | GET |
Gets the web documents for a quote. |
quote/parameterheader/{quote} | POST |
Creates a quote parameter header. |
quote/parameter/{quoteParametersHeader} | POST |
Adds a quote parameter. |
quote/customer/{customer} | POST |
Gets customer quote. |
quote/deals/{quote} | GET |
Gets the deals. |
quote/generate-commercial-bom/{quote} | POST |
Generates a commercial bom. |
quote/approvals/{quote} | GET |
Gets the quote approvals. |
quote/approvals/remind/{quote}/{user} | POST |
Sends a reminder email to a user. |
quote/approvals/approve/{quote} | POST |
Approves the given quote. |
quote/approvals/recall/{quote} | POST |
Recalls an approval or rejection. |
A controller for handling item builders.
API | Method | Description |
item-builder/{product} | GET |
Gets a product definition. |
item-builder/{product} | POST |
Saves a product definition. |
item-builder/properties | GET |
Gets the properties. |
item-builder/algorithms | GET |
Gets the algorithms. |
item-builder/roles | GET |
Gets the roles. |
item-builder/behaviours | GET |
Gets the available behaviours. |
item-builder/properties/add-enum | POST |
Adds an enum property. |
item-builder/subitem-components | GET |
Gets a list of subitem component products. |
A controller for handling API status.
API | Method | Description |
api-status | GET |
Gets the API status. |
The XaitPorterController allows XaitCPQ to enable the integration between XaitCPQ and XaitPorter.
API | Method | Description |
xaitporter/tables | GET |
Gets all the tables tagged with external metadata JSON information on the XaitPorter tables for the XaitCPQ integration to identify and update. The tables are filtered based on the user's available access to the projects. |
xaitporter/publish | POST |
Publish API allows the XaitCPQ user to update the Table in XaitPorter by passing the XaitCPQ user selected table from Publish Dialog. The object with its property set to the XaitCPQ merge table data is what is all required. Optionally, you may also set to manage the rendering in the XP document as well as the . |
xaitporter/lookup/{xaitPorterTableUUID} | GET |
Looks up the last used location of the table uuid. |
xaitporter/update_project_options | POST |
This method checks the quote product details and updates the selected documents, such that if two template documents are selected by the user upon clicking on the Create action, the selected document objects are duplicated for each product. E.g. for two products that would 4 documents available in the ConfirmProject dialog. |
xaitporter/existing_project_options | GET |
If this CPQ record already has an associated XaitPorter Project then this API returns the XaitPorterCreateProjectOptions for the UI to call instead of |
xaitporter/project_templates | GET |
Provides a list of XaitPorter Projects that are marked as Project Templates containing all the pre-populated documents and sections along with the workflow and user assignments. This List of Project Templates will have the CPQ integration user as one of the project coordinators/privileged contributor in order to use these Project Templates to duplicate and create a new project based on a particular quote and user selection. Project Templates returned are restricted to those the user have access to. |
xaitporter/create_project | POST |
Registers a new XaitPorter project record in XaitCPQ for the user to later confirm the project creation in XaitPorter based on the project template with the given project name. |
xaitporter/project_document | GET |
Returns the document section information for the confirm dialog to display the document section tree based on the document drop-down selection by the user in the Confirm Dialog. |
xaitporter/section_preview | GET |
Gets the document section's content as HTML or plain text for preview on the Confirm Project Dialog |
xaitporter/confirm_project | POST |
Creates a new project from XaitPorter project template with the given project name. |
xaitporter/cancel_confirm_project | POST |
Removes the registered project record if the user cancels the project create confirmation. |
xaitporter/update_project | POST |
Updates the XaitPorter project with the latest merge data. |
xaitporter/publish_documents | POST |
Updates the XaitPorter project with document revisions of all the project documents as request by the user. The document revisions are available in XaitPorter as well as in the quote documents section of CPQ |
xaitporter/unlink_project/{recordId} | DELETE |
Unlinks the project by recordId. |
xaitporter/download_xplog/token | GET |
Generate a one time use token that is valid for 10 minutes in order to download the xaitporter log |
xaitporter/download_xplog/{days} | GET |
Downloads XaitPorter Log Entries for the Day. |
xaitporter/operation_progress/{operationId} | GET |
Gets the progress for an on going operation |
A controller for handling visual scripts.
API | Method | Description |
visual-script/{id} | GET |
Gets a script. |
visual-script | POST |
No documentation available. |
visual-script/{id} | PUT |
Saves a script. |
Manage products and properties.
API | Method | Description |
product/clone/{product} | POST |
Makes a copy of this object. |
product/property | POST |
Adds a property. |
product/property/{id} | POST |
Copies the product property by identifier. |
product/property/{id} | DELETE |
Deletes the product property by identifier. |
product/{id}/properties | PUT |
Sets the order of all product properties. |
product/{id}/subscripts | PUT |
Sets subscripts order. |
Manage the creation, deletion and modification of parts.
API | Method | Description |
part/add | POST |
Adds a Part. |
part/{id} | PUT |
Updates the part. |
part/{id} | DELETE |
Deactivate part. |
part/{part}/price | POST |
Adds a price to a part. |
part/{part}/bom | POST |
Adds a bom part to a part. |
Manage the creation, deletion and modification of notes.
API | Method | Description |
notes/quote/add/{quote} | POST |
Adds a note to quote. |
notes/quotes/add/{quote} | POST |
Adds a note to quote. |
notes/opportunity/add/{opportunity} | POST |
Opportunity add note. |
notes/opportunities/add/{opportunity} | POST |
Opportunity add note. |
notes/company/add/{company} | POST |
Adds a note to Company. |
notes/contact/add/{contact} | POST |
Adds a note to contact. |
notes/{id} | GET |
Gets a note. |
notes/update/{note} | PUT |
Updates the note. |
notes/delete/{id} | DELETE |
Deletes the note by ID. |
Manages the creation, reading, updating and deletion of generic data records.
API | Method | Description |
data/list/{name}/{section} | GET |
Get paginated list of data for a section. |
data/list/{name}/{section}/{pageNumber} | GET |
Get paginated list of data for a section. |
data/list/{name}/{section}/{pageNumber}/{pageSize} | GET |
Get paginated list of data for a section. |
data/{name}/{recordId} | GET |
Gets a record using the default section layout. |
data/{name}/{section}/{recordId} | GET |
Get data for section by record Id. |
data/list-simple/{name}/{section} | GET |
Get paginated list of data for a section with all the fields as a single flattened data object |
data/list-simple/{name}/{section}/{pageNumber} | GET |
Get paginated list of data for a section with all the fields as a single flattened data object |
data/list-simple/{name}/{section}/{pageNumber}/{pageSize} | GET |
Get paginated list of data for a section with all the fields as a single flattened data object |
data/list-export/{name}/{section} | GET |
No documentation available. |
data/list-export/{name}/{section}/{pageNumber} | GET |
No documentation available. |
data/list-export/{name}/{section}/{pageNumber}/{pageSize} | GET |
No documentation available. |
data/image/{name}/{section}/{fieldId}/{recordId} | GET |
Gets an image as a base64 string. |
data/download/{name}/{section}/{fieldId}/{recordId} | GET |
Gets a file. |
data/{name} | POST |
Add new data record. |
data/batch/{name}/{id} | POST |
Update and add new data in a batch |
data/{name}/{id} | PUT |
Update data by record Id. |
data/{name}/{id} | DELETE |
Delete data by record Id. |
data/{name}/{section}/{id} | DELETE |
Deletes the link. |
data/link/{name}/{section}/{id} | POST |
Gets link options. |
data/link/{name}/{section}/{id}/{id2} | POST |
Adds a link. |
data/lookup/relationship/{id} | POST |
Gets lookup values for relationship by Id. |
data/lookup/default/{id} | POST |
Gets default value. |
data/lookup/table/{id} | POST |
Gets the table lookup values. |
data/clone/{name}/{recordId} | POST |
Makes a copy of this record. |
data/owner/{name}/{recordId} | GET |
Gets the owner of this item. |
data/assign/{name}/{recordId} | POST |
Assigns a user. |
data/export/{name}/{recordId} | POST |
Exports a record and associated records. |
A controller for handling uploads.
API | Method | Description |
upload/report | POST |
Uploads a report. |
upload/dashboard | POST |
Uploads the dashboard. |
upload/graphics | POST |
Uploads a graphics doc. |
A controller for handling configurators.
API | Method | Description |
configurator/header | GET |
Gets the header. |
configurator/image/{id} | GET |
Gets a base64 encoded image. |
Manage the creation and modification of Quote Documents.
API | Method | Description |
document/merge/{quote} | POST |
Create a new Quote Document. |
document/mergesf/{quoteSFID} | POST |
Create the Profile Form (using SFID Parameters). |
document/templates/{quoteId} | GET |
Gets web available web templates. |
document/web/merge/{quote} | POST |
Merge web document. |
document/web/mergedata/{quote} | POST |
Merge web data. |
document/web/templates | GET |
Gets web available web templates. |
document/web/share/{document} | POST |
Share web document. |
document/web/meta/{id} | GET |
Gets web document meta. |
document/web/graphic/{id} | GET |
Gets a graphic. |